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  • Welcome August!   This is the month we remember the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This month, let us pray for those who have fallen away from the faith, that our Heavenly Mother helps lead them back to her son, Jesus.  Remember to continue to pray for our parish family, and community as well as our spiritual fathers & mothers in the Church.

  • Weekend Immersion retreat for married couples: Aug 24-25 in Overland Park. Register at using promo code ARCHKCK. More information and questions:

  • Interested in Joining the Catholic Church?  Classes for RCIA will begin in September.  Please contact Kimberly for more information.

  • Bazaar News! Josh Ellis and Claudia King are heading up the Silent Auction this year and are ready to start accepting your gifts. Please consider what talent you might share or what donation you could make. See Josh or Claudia to donate.

  • Donuts Sunday!  September 8th is our next donuts Sunday.  Thank you to our lovely social committee for hosting this.

  • Our Jr. High & High School Youth liturgy group, Dinner for Champs, will meet the 3rd Wednesday of the August.      

  • Mass times are changing!  Beginning September 8th we will have Mass at 8:45am.  Mass will stay at this time, we will no longer be switching Mass times

  • There are envelopes in the pews in church.  The Pastoral Council has established a Building Fund to raise money for much needed repairs and updates to our parish buildings, especially the Rectory.  The current projects we are seeking to complete are fixing the Rectory roof, plumbing, and floors.  Please prayerfully consider donating to this fund.  Thank you

  • St. Theresa Church is partnering with Harvester’s to provide a drive-thru food pick-up on the first Thursday of each month from 11:00-12:00 noon. Anyone may partake in the food giveaway. We will need a few volunteers each month to help with loading food into cars as they drive through. If this is something that you would like to volunteer to help with please contact the office 597-5558 or Christy Allie, Linda Moore, Theresa King, or Ruth Ellis. The next food distribution will be September 5th.

  • Volunteers are always needed to clean the Church and the Parish Center. If you need a key to clean, please call Ruth at 597- 5663 or the Church office at 597-5558 to make arrangements.

Camp Kateri Tekewitha combines demanding outdoor activities with powerful, spiritual instruction bringing about a unique encounter with God.  Take advantage of this amazing opportunity for your kids.  Stipends are available ($100) to help with the cost of camp, both from the Church and from the Rural Youth Program.  For more information & to register, please click the "join us" button below.

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